Saturday, 30 April 2016

Scribbly Doodles Went to Town

As of a short while ago, I am now showcasing random unpolished doodles of mine on the Tails of Lanschilandia website. They come with commentary, so I suppose it functions as some sort of not very impressive sketch blog. You can view the first two here, and more will be posted on a sporadic schedule, i.e. when I feel like it. They're not always related to the comic, so get ready to be seeing a lot of random ideas and potentially interesting stuff there.

The idea for this goes all the way back to 2014 and an early start of it has been lingering in the site code for a while, but I had never gotten around to finishing it up. The main reason has been the hassle of adding another site section, and I honestly don't believe I'm handling it very well even with the new update overview I recently added in preparation for the scribbles - the site navigation is beginning  to feel a tad chaotic, as I had really never anticipated that it would be hosting anything beyond the main comic. As a result of the huge delays, many of the scribbles I was going to feature are equally dated now, which makes it kind of silly to be posting them as if I had just drawn them. Not that the comic pages aren't equally dated due to the buffer. Ahh well.
One of the doodles. Why are you looking at it here? Go check out the site!
The scribbles were originally going to update daily, and I even coded some functionality to handle that automatically; it was quite clever, taking the difference between the current server date and the section's launch date to determine how many scribbles to list. However, that's not happening anymore, and I'm rather glad I scrapped the idea, as a lot of the doodles I created to fill a buffer with were obviously rushed out entirely for the purpose of potentially filling such a buffer. I'd rather post things that may be worth looking at than bury a few decent doodles under a mountain of rubbish.

I probably won't be announcing new doodles across my social media in the same manner as comic updates, but they'll be announced on the site itself via the update overview, so keep checking there to see what's new.

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